Our Blog - Ways to help animals

Welcome to our blog which will will have all sorts of news, stories, appeals and more!   

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  1. News
    Did you see The Horse Trust on the national news today (4th June 2024)?  They are looking after Vida and Quaker who are recovering from their ordeal after galloping through the streets of London!  The other horses involved are back at work, and three of the five soldiers are too!  Find out more here.. 

    On to the Horse Trust....

    The amazing Horse Trust in Buckinghamshire look after horses who have retired from the police and military, and ex-therapy ponies.   Commando worked for the Household Cavalry, for instance, whilst Darwen had his career with the Lancashire Constabulary.  Sydney spent most of his working life with the Royal Mews and Trojan worked for the Thames Valley Police.

    Rubin is absolutely stunning.
    Rubin came from the South Wales Police, and he likes bananas!
    You can sponsor Rubin from £3 a month.
    Find out more about Rubin here.

    The Trust also take in severe welfare cases, and examples include Star who came from Spindles Farm and Bear  and Shetlands Fidget and Widget who were found in a field with only a puddle to drink from and no grass to eat.

    Meet Fidget and Widget!
    Fidget and Widget are two very cheeky Shetlands.  
    They love running circles around the grooms!
    You can find out more about them and sponsor them here.

    You can sponsor these horses and ponies to help the Horse Trust care for them.   Visit their Sponsor A Resident page here.

    You can help these horses by sponsoring a horse such as William
    You can help these horses by sponsoring a horse such as William

    who worked as an Officers' Charger with The King's Troop Royal Horse Artilliary
    Image ©Amanda Jane Smith Photography

    Please donate here if you can
    to help them give these ponies the best care possible.

    And please visit if you can - the times and open days are here.  The Trust is in Buckinghamshire.  It's an incredible place to visit - full of love, goodwill and kindness.  (I find the most difficult bit is not to try to smuggle any four footed friends into the car and take them home, but I know they receive the best care possible at the Trust, so I drive away without b

    ut with happy memories of a lovely visit.)  Find out more about visiting the Trust here.

    Our thanks to everyone looking after these wonderful horses, ponies and donkeys, and thank you too to the animals themselves for their service and love.  

    Images ©The Horse Trust




    Hot on the heels of Ben Fogle’s:  New lives in the Wild programme from Sri Lanka, when he visited the inspiring Dr Janey Lowe (Channel 5, 2 April 2024) comes World Stray Animals Day.

    The day was founded by a group of over 100 Dutch organisations  which met at the Dutch National Stray Animals Conference back in 2010.  

    If, like me, you wish to win the lottery in a very major way, and help every stray cat and dog I the world, we all know that such a win is extremely unlikely and in any case, with about 600 million stray cats and dogs in the world, even if you won the Euromillions when it was about £180 for the first prize, that wouldn’t go very far.

    So what can we do on World Stray Animals Day to make a difference and help?

    There are a number of organisations which are working to neuter strays and you can find them here. 

    • Donate to help them with their work
    • Volunteer – a number of them have volunteer opportunities for vets and veterinary nurses
    • Sponsor a dog
    • Spread the word
    • Spread the Adopt, don’t shop, message, although I’m suspect most animal lovers are already doing this. 

    Cats Protection once worked out that one female can be responsible for 5,000 offspring over a five year period, which just shows how not neutering can lead to a deluge of kittens. 

  3. Ben Fogle's New Lives in the Wild is back on our screens on Channel 5, and Ben Fogle is back to catch up with Janey Lowe.

    Catch up with Ben Fogle and Janey Lowe on Channel 5 on Tuesday 2nd April 2024 at 9pm.  

    The background...

    Janey Lowe is a British vet who was backpacking in Sri Lanka in 2014 and she decided to stay.  And she set up a charity in Sri Lanka helping stray dogs.  She is doing an incredible job but this has come at the cost of very stressful 16 hour days.  The charity's website is here 


    Janey works with international and local staff and volunteers.  The charity relies totally on donations.  It aims to treat sick and injured animals, to train and educate the local population and CNVR (catch, neuter, vaccinate and release). 

    The charity is called WECare Worldwide.  There's no doubt this inspirational woman is really moving people and there's lots we can all to do help her and make a difference to the stray dogs in Sri Lanka.

    Unneutered, each female could have two litters a year - this can cause very high population growth, so Janey has set up an outreach clinic to sterilise as many dogs as possible.  Janey is hoping to get 10 trucks going to neuter as many dogs as possible.  Dogs are neutered, vaccinated and given an MOT before going back onto the streets.  These dogs are not homeless - they are street dogs - but they still need care.

    PLEASE help WECare Worldwide if you can!  

    How you can help:

    Follow them on social media :


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    Janey, you're an inspiration!  Thank you and your team for all you're doing for Sri Lanka's stray dogs.  Please take care of yourselves.  We're thinking of you all. 

    Visit WECare Worldwide