Bear Charities


Petitions to help bears:

Here are some bear charities you can check out to help bears around the world.  

Free the Bears
Volunteer, sponsor a bear, bear gifts to help the charity protect, preserve and enrich the lives of bears throughout the world. Across their sanctuaries in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, they care for over 1000 rescued bears.  

This video from July 2024 shows the impact your support can make.
Visit Free the Bears' website here.

International Animal Rescue
IAR have projects to help bears in Armenia and also Indian Sloth Bears.

Four Paws
Four Paws has five bear sanctuaries across Europe and Vietnam, including Ukraine, often working in partnership with local organisations. It gives rescued bears habitats which are appropriate to their species, giving them the space they need to thrive.  

Bear Trust International
Bear Trust International works to conserve all 8 species of the world’s bears, other wildlife, and habitat.   It strives to reinforce ecosystem viability through habitat conservation and education projects that build on timely research.  Find out more

The Bear Conservation Fund
The International Assoication for Bear Research and Management aims to understand the world's 8 bear species through scientific research and collaboration with communities, conservationists, managers and students worldwide.  Find out more

Animals Asia
Aims to end the farming of bears for bile in Vietnam and China and to provide sanctuary for bears in China.  The charity has bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam where bears are rehabilitated and cared for and where bear teams gather vital evidence of the effects of bile extraction.  Over 10,000 bears are kept on bile farms in China, and official figures put the number suffering the same fate in Vietnam at about 1,000. The bears have their bile extracted on a regular basis.  Find out how Animals Asia are working to help these bears.

From Animals Asia on You Tube

Polar Bears International
Polar Bears International is in the USA and Canada.  It exists to help secure a future for polar bears across the Arctic.  It's the only organisation dedicated solely to polar bears and it knows polar bears.  There are lots of ways to get involved in Polar Bears International.  Find out more 

Grizzly Bear Foundation
The Foundation is dedicated to the long term welfare of the Grizzly Bear in North America.  It's based in Canada.   It focuses on education, research and conservation.  Find out more

Black Bear Conservation Coalition
Its focus is on research, education, landowner assistance and habitat protection and restoration, aiming for the restoration of a sustainable population of the Louisiana black bear in suitable habitats.   Find out more

Dancing Bear Rescue   
International Animal Rescue has rescued over 620 dancing bears from the cruel dancing bear trade with the help of its partners, Wildlife SOS.  In 2009 the charity rescued the very last one. The sanctuaries in India currently care for 300 bears where we provide a lasting home for them to live out their days in peace.

Vital Ground Foundation 
Based in the USA, its mission is to protect and restore North America's 
grizzly bear populations for future generations by conserving wildlife habitat and by supporting programs that reduce conflicts between bears and humans.  Find out more

Andean Bear Project.  
This conservation initiative is the first of its kind in Bolivia, and aims to study the population dynamics of bears and the drivers of human-bear conflict in the Andean dry forests of Bolivia.  

Bear Conservation  
The charity advocates and campaigns for the welfare, conservation and protection of bears and the environments in which they live.  Its vision is of a world where all bears are given the necessary protection and space to live out their natural lives in the wild.  Get involved

Pandas International 
Based in the US, the charity's mission is to ensure the preservation and propagation of the endangered Giant Panda. Pandas International provides public awareness and education, support for research, habitat preservation and enhancement, and assistance to Giant Panda Centers.  Find out more here

The Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica
The original rescue centre for injured, orphaned and abandoned sloths.  Find out more!

Bear with Us
Based in Ontario, Canada, its mission is to p
romote the understanding and respect for the bear family, a species near the top of the evolutionary scale, a species in direct niche competition with the human race. More information