Big Cats - help conserve lions, tigers, snow leopards, jaguars, cheetahs...

Don't Miss This: On Sunday 25th August 2024, the series Big Cats starts on BBC2 at 8pm.  This is a six-month expedition following lions, leopards and cheetahs in the Okavango Delta.  With Gordon Buchanan and an amazing team!  Visit BBC2's website to find out more


Why are big cats endangered?

Big cats are under threat from a loss of habitat as people take over more of their home land, conflict between people and wildlife as they both want the same resources - land and water.  Big cats are also under threat because of poaching and illegal wildlife trade.  Like so many other endangered speices, these examples show human activities have badly impacted on their numbers.   And some are threatened by war...

Visit the Big Cat Sanctuary's website here.

How to Help Big Cats

All is not lost - there are many ways to help, and finding out what big cat conservation groups are doing and seeing how you can help is a good way to get started in making a difference to these majestic and beautiful big cats.  Here are just a few of them....

General big cats




Snow Leopards


Amur Leopard

Scottish wildcats