What's On in February - Get Involved


TBC Great Winter Nurdle Hunt
Nurdles are tiny plastic pellets about the size of a lentil. Billions of them are used to make our plastic products every year but many are also washed ashore, damaging shorelines and wildlife.  Help join in the hunt for nurdles.  
2 World Wetlands Day
Find out about the importance of wetlands to animal and human wellbeing 
National Nest Box Week
Put up a nest box in your local area to help increase the number of suitable nesting spaces for birds
18 TBC World Pangolin Day
A day to raise awareness about pangolins and their plight.
13-19 TBC Go Green Week
Students run a week of activities to raise awareness and demand stronger action to tackle the climate crisis
28 TBC World Spay Day
This day shines a spotlight on the lifesaving power of spay/neuter and the need for affordable services, particularly in underserved communities
27 International Polar Bear Day
Celebrate it as a day of action to reduce carbon emissions by taking Polar Bear International's Thermostat Challenge

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