Help free a bear from a bear bile farm in Vietnam
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Animals Asia have launched an urgent appeal for help so that they can rescue two moon bears. The charity do not know what sort of condition the bears are in, but they do know that they are trapped in cages on a bile farm. The farm is 65 kilometres from Animals Asia’s Vietnam sanctuary – and they are living in unbearable pain and misery. The aim is to bring these bears from the bile farm to Animals Asia’s sanctuary. There they can be cared for in safety. The bears will have a long recovery ahead of them, but the first step is to secure their release from the bile farm. Can you help?
Animals Asia has an exclusive Memorandum of Understanding with the Vietnamese government to end bear bile farming by 2022 and to rehome over 400 bears who are still on bear bile farms in Vietnam.
Uno has just been rescued… The charity most recently rescued Uno, who had spent 18 years with no sky above him and no grass beneath his paws. The male Asiatic black bear (moon bear) was handed over by the family who had kept him in his cage for 18 years. The rescue occurred just a few minutes from Phung Thuong Village. This is the largest bear bile farming region in Vietnam. 146 bear are still in a cage for bile extraction. Voluntary surrenders to Animals Asia are really important because they show a change in attitude and also that kindness to bears really matters. The rescue was a significant step towards our goal as it took place just minutes down the road from Phung Thuong Village, the largest bear bile farming region in Vietnam, where 146 bears remain caged for bile extraction. |
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