World Orca Day is 14th July
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The 14th July is World Orca Day. PETA have a petition asking TUI to stop selling tickets to SeaWorld and other facilities that hold orcas captive in cramped tanks at marine abusement parks. At SeaWorld, PETA say that orcas live in cramped concrete tanks. There’s no physical, mental or emotional stimulation so they spent their days going round in circle after circle. At least 41 orcas and dozens of other dolphins have died at SeaWorld Parks from various causes including trauma, intestinal gangrene and chronic cardiovascular failure. They are used in circus-style shows which are out of date now, thank goodness. Many travel providers have cut their ties with marine parks. British Airways Holidays and Virgin Holidays said “No thanks” to keeping marine mammals in tanks. They were followed by Airbnb, TripAdvisory and Please send a message to TUI and remind them that keeping orcas in tanks is wrong. It’s time they followed the example of the aforementioned. |
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