Our Blog - Ways to help animals

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Coronavirus - charities need help to look after the animals in their care

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With none of us being able to go out visiting places during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation, it really is important to help wildlife sanctuaries get through the coronavirus and come out of the other side.

In other words, they need help – fundraising has ground to an abrupt halt.

Sanctuaries, wildlife parks, wildlife charities need our help
so that they can help the animals in their care

Many sanctuaries are in desperate trouble because they rely on visitors to help fund them or they rely on fundraising events to help them provide the care that the animals need.  Zoos and wildlife parks are in the same boat, and I know that many people don’t agree with zoos or wildlife parks, but the fact is that the animals there still need feeding, watering, veterinary care and people to look after them.  I don’t want to let these animals down.  They need us.  We need to get through this time and make sure the animals are okay.

There are also petitions going round so I will try to bring those to everyone’s attention as well.

Please find an inner strength and resolve to help make a difference

 When you get involved in the animal world, you see and hear some awful and upsetting sights. Those sights switch a lot of people off straight away and many will vent their anger at those people who have upset them by sharing such sights. 

If we switch off because we are upset by what we see and hear, the animals still suffer.  These animals need us to have resolve; they need us to have an inner strength which enables us to cut through the upsetting stuff and come out on the other side, ready and willing to take action to make a difference. 

There are a lot of good things happening in the animal world as well.  There are good news stories every day and we need these to show ourselves that we can indeed make a difference and really change animals’ lives around.  Animals are being rescued from cages and a life of terrible misery, to enjoying a new lease of life in a sanctuary and in a place of safety. 

A bear rescued by Free the Bears swims for the first time

Visit Free the Bears' website
The charity is registered in the UK and Australia


We cannot let them down.  We need to help look after them.

We can all help in so many ways

Animals are relying on us to provide practical help where we can in whatever form we can do that in.

An enormous amount can be done online as we all know.

There are so many ways in which we can all help: volunteering, just asking what you can do to help, donating, spreading the word, becoming a member or a friend of the charity, buying a virtual gift, looking at a charity’s wish-list (which could be on Amazon), knitting a cosy blanket, sending treats in for hardworking staff and volunteers who are able to be on site to let them know they are not alone, following them on social media, sharing videos of good work being done….

Yes, there is plenty we can all do to make a difference.

The world is dominated by the human species now; and animals need our help to adjust and cope with our demands and the changes we have forced on them.  Let’s get these animals as well as ourselves through the coronavirus. 

Keep safe, and keep well.

With love to you & your families and of course your animals!





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