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World Animal Day – Pledge to Make a Difference

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World Animal Day takes place every year on 4th October.   It’s a chance for each and everyone of us to pledge to make a difference to animals around the world, whether we do this for locals or animals on the other side of the world.

The mission of the day is “To Raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe”. 

Help all creatures great and small

The day unites the animal welfare movement, and celebrated in different ways around the world.

There are lots of events going on – you can search them out or add your own.  But there’s also a chance to pledge to make a difference.

Pledge to make a difference to animals with many other animal lovers around the world

And crucially, there’s a Pledge Board where you can publicly make a pledge to make a difference to animals. 

Read the pledges and you’ll see that some people pledge to make to help a specific species e.g. horses or work on an issue e.g. strays or vow to do something about their lifestyle e.g. going vegan or vegetarian or eating less meat.  There are all sorts of pledges listed for all sorts of animals.

Every action makes a difference

The Pledge Board gives us all a chance to reflect on and state how we want to make a difference.  I started this website because I wanted to make a difference to help animals and hopefully make it easier for people to find very little ways or larger ways to get involved.  I think every single action – however large or small – makes a difference.

Join everyone pledging for animals

One of the reasons for this is that if you take one action, you feel good about it and it usually propels people into wanting to take another and another and another.  Before you know it, quite a few actions have built up. 

So have a think about what you would write on the Pledge Board and see what you can do to carry it through.  Every action makes a difference. 

Visit World Animal Day's website


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