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Petition to ask the Royal Family to stop participating in blood sports

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There’s a lot of worldwide interest in the forthcoming marriage of Prince Harry to American actress Meghan Markle.

Could she encourage him to give up the horrible tradition the Royals have of killing wild animals?

Prince Harry and some of his friends reportedly killed 15 wild boar recently on a hunting trip in Germany. 

Shot for fun

Sign this petition to ask the Royal Family to STOP participating in blood sports.

On Boxing Day, however, Prince Harry chose not to take part in the shoot with the rest of his family.  Apparently, Meghan had asked him not to do it. Could it be that she is trying to persuade him to change his ways and stop such actions?

Care2.com member Alexandra has started a petition asking The Royal Family to stop participating in bloodsports.

At the time of writing, the petition already has over 67,000 supporters – click here to add your support to it and to ask the Royal Family to stop participating in blood sports.



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  1. Katie Tippel

    Diana said they aren't human. Personally I loathe the lot of them especially camilla. I'd like to see them hunted, exhausted and petrified see how they like it. Fecking lizards

    Posted on

  2. Diane

    It's about time that the royal family stopped these barbaric traditions and listen to the general public who are against any kind of hunting or wearing real fur

    Posted on

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