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Hands off the koalas' forest! Please sign this petition from Rainforest Rescue

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Hands off the koalas' rainforest

Hands off the koalas' forest

Koalas in Australia urgently need all our help.   Their population has tumbled from 100,000 to 40,000 in FIVE years!   

Once livng in lush forests, many koalas have simply scattered patches of sparse woodland and surburban sprawl to call home.  

Why has this happened?

It's happened partly because of recently loosened conservation laws.  In the northeastern state of Queensland often don't need permission to clear the land.  They bulldoze it and tell the authorites later.  So effective conservation work is all but impossible.

So on 25th November, Queensland elect a new government.   It's essential to build international pressure and strengthen the position of Australian conservationists. 

Australia needs to stop the destruction NOW.

Please sign the petition from Rainforest Rescue today to help build this pressure.  Help rescue the forest and help koalas.


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