Our Blog - Ways to help animals

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  1. A new species of great ape was discovered a few months ago, living in Northern Sumatra in Indonesia.

    Unfortunately, this species is already an endangered one.  There are just fewer than 800 Tapanuli orangutans alive.

    Sign here to help save the Tapanuli orangutan

    Sign here to help save the Tapanuli orangutan


    Their prospects of survival as a species is plummeting because a Chinese state-owned company called Sinohydro is planning to build a hydrodam right in the middle of the Tapanuli orangutan population’s habitat.

    If the company goes ahead, it will cut the orangutan population in two which will make it much harder for the species to survive.   They won’t be able to connect. 

    It is expected that the building of the dam, plus the roads, tunnels and electricity lines needed to go with it, will cause the extinction of two of the three sub-populations and destroy the most important habitat.

    The incredible thing is that the Indonesian government approved this dam but the orangutan is a protected species.   The Indonesian law prohibits actions which harm a protected species so why this dam has been allowed to go ahead is a mystery.

    Sign the petition today calling on the Indonesian government to save the Tapanuli orangutan and revoke approval of Sinohydro's Batang Toru dam!

    You can find out more about the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme here.




  2. The RSPCA has launched campaign to encourage people to do their bit for animals of all sizes.

    An online survey undertaken by YouGov of 2,142 adults in March this year showed that 85% considered themselves to be animal lovers.

    But 20% felt a lack of money and 32% said a lack of time were barriers to doing more to help animals.

    A particularly worrying discovery from the survey was that 11% of people felt their actions couldn’t make a difference.

    The top animal welfare issue people were concerned about was animals being used in blood sports – such as cockfighting, dog fighting and badger baiting.  40% of those surveyed were concerned about this.  

    35% were concerned about the destruction of or damage to natural habitats for wild animals.  

    29% were concerned about puppy farming – that is, businesses which breed dogs on a large scale to be sold via the internet, pet shops and newspaper advertisements. 

    The animal issues people are most concerned about in the survey were:

    • 40% - animals being used in blood sports
    • 35% - destruction of or damage to natural habitats for wild animals
    • 29% - puppy farming
    • 27% - litter and plastics being hazardous to animals
    • 24% - testing on animals (e.g. for scientific research, cosmetics, drugs testing etc)
    • 23% - foxes hunted for sport
    • 17% - conditions animals are kept in on farms
    • 13% - recognition of animals as sentient beings (being able to feel and perceive things)
    • 12% - live transport of animals for slaughter
    • 11% - wild animals in circuses
    • 11% - conditions animals are kept in when being bred as pets, not including puppy farms
    • 10% - people not being fully informed on how to look after their pets properly
    • 8% - not concerned with any animal welfare issues in partiuclar
    • 6% - a lack of homes for pets
    • 3% - other
    • 3% - don’t know

    Yet every single one of us can take any number of actions to help animals and collectively we can make a huge difference. 

    Join in the #AnimalKind campaign

    So this week, the RSPCA is launching a new campaign called #AnimalKind.  The aim is to encourage people to join it in creating a world which is kinder to animals.

    There’s advice on what you can do to ensure all animals are better protected and cared for.

    And there’s a free guide to show how small acts of kindness can make a difference.

    It doesn’t take a lot of time or money to help.

    In fact, you can save yourself money and help animals.   For instance, you could…

    • be kind to polar bears and switch your heating down or off, saving you money.
    • buy a water bottle once which you refill instead of buying plastic bottle after plastic bottle.
    • help walk dogs at a local rescue centre or join a local conservation group and get active, instead of paying money to take out a gym membership 
    • take a flask of coffee with you instead of stopping for a take-out coffee with a single use coffee cup
    • ask people to make a donation to your favourite animal charity for your birthday rather than get you something you don’t want or need, or to sponsor an acre or adopt an animal

    Other ways to help which take no time or virtually seconds to do:

    • sign a petition to add your voice to help animals who have no voice
    • save stamps to help animal charities
    • put out bird feed every day – this takes just a few minutes and you can then enjoy a nature show for free
    • switch your plastic toothbrush to a bamboo one. 

    Every single action will make a difference to animals all around the world.

    Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of others. Step forward, reach out and help. This week reach to someone that might need a lift” 


    Click here to find out more about the campaign and to download the free guide


  3. Care2.com have a petition to help animals in a terrible state in a zoo in Venezuela. 

    The animals are so hungry that officials are euthanising the weakest animals and feeding them to the others. 

    Please sign this petition to help the animals in the zoo in Venezuela


    Thousands of people are starving as well, with many fleeing the country in search of a better life elsewhere.   

    Zoo animals are trapped.  They have no way to fed themelseves and no-one is coming in to care for theml.   They are withering away. 

    These animals need rescuing.  Please tell neighbouring countries who are helping with the humanitarian crisis to save the animals as well.

    Sign the petition here.