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  1. The RSPCA Cymru has called to keep sky lanterns on the ground as we all #clapforourcarers.

    I think it’s wonderful that we are all applauding the NHS staff and I am sure many of us are including everybody else who is keeping us safe at that time and who is doing the essential work society needs doing.

    But the RSPCA emailed today to say there are reports which suggests that companies selling sky lanterns have suggested releasing these devices as part of the #clapforourcarers proceedings.

    RSPCA Cymru has urged us all to keep these sky lanterns on the ground.

    Sky lanterns (also known as Chinese lanterns) pose significant risk to people and animals and the countryside.

    Two very good reasons NOT to use sky lanterns

    First, sky lanterns/Chinese lanterns can kill

    Sky lanterns are lifted into the air through an open flame heat source.  These can be ingested by animals who may think they are food.  Sharp parts of the lantern can tear and puncture and animal’s throat or stomach and cause internal bleeding.

    Wildlife, pets, horses and farm animals can all suffer terrible injury, stress and even death as a result.

    Sky lanterns can kill, they can destroy - please don't set them off

    Find out about the RSPCA's campaign to #EndSkyLitter

    Second, sky lanterns/Chinese can cause fire.

    Fire destroys habitats.  Goodness knows we are short enough of these as more land is turned over to human use.  Fire can destroy wildlife habitats/homes.  It can set fire to animal housing, set food and bedding alight.

    This can also cause death to animals; it can destroy essential supplies for animals at a time when a lot of us are finding life hard enough as it is financially.  It could even cause death to firefighters, who are under enough of a strain at the moment.

    I don't know what it's like where you are, but here in Sussex we have had very little rain this month. . The ground is bone dry in a lot of places and with windy weather, the risk of a fire spreading fast increases.

    This will destroy life, habitats, property and put a huge strain on emergency services.

    The RSPCA has alternatives to sky lanterns and balloons - why not send up bubbles instead?
    Take a look at alternatives to sky lanterns and balloons

    Wales’ 22 local authoirites have banned the release of sky lanterns on land and they have done that for a very good reason.

    The Marine Conservation Society has a campaign to ban sky lanterns and balloons  as well because of the same sort of damage they cause wildlife and marine life in the sea and on shore.

    Find out about the Marine Conservation Society's Don't Let Go campaign

    Find out about the Marine Conservation Society's Don't Let Go campaign and how you can help
    ©Marine Conservation Society

    Dr Julia Wrathall, the RSPCA's chief scientific officer, said: "It is great that people are looking for ways to show their support for the NHS staff and other key workers at this challenging time - but it is so important people keep sky lanterns grounded.

    "Lanterns may look pretty - but they're actually just pretty dangerous. They can be fatal to animals; destroying habitats, or posing a risk of ingestion, entanglement of entrapment as they return back to Earth.  

    "Every single local authority in Wales has already banned sky lanterns from being released on their land - highlighting just how dangerous these devices are considered to be. 

    A final thought...

    If there’s one thing we must all do at the moment it’s to really think about our actions and consider their implications.  Staying at home reduces the risk to everybody, unless it is absolutely essential that we go out.  Reducing the possibility of more death and destruction at a time when people have enough to worry about is another.

    Take a look at these resources

    Alternatives to balloons and sky lanterns from the RSPCA

    Get involved the RSPCA'scampaign to end sky litter #Endskylitter

    Marine Conservation Society's Don't Let Go campaign

    Please keep safe, everyone.   And let’s all #clapforthecarers and give them thanks.  They care for people because they want to preserve life and help others.  Setting off sky lanterns has the potentail to do completely the reverse.  

  2. Here’s a way to help wild animals wherever you are in the world and it will only take a minute and it’s free to do it.

    The IDA (that’s In Defense of Animals) emailed about action that's needed.

    Bear bile and goat horn....

    China’s National Health Commission recently released a list of recommended treatments for the coronavirus. 

    Although they had (temporarily) banned the trade and consumption of wild animals on 24 February, on 4 March, the published list recommended – and I can’t believe this – well, maybe I can – an injection with bear bile and goat horn as a treatment for COVID-19.  IDA point out that there are many bear bile alternatives.   And the World Health Organisation asserts there is no known cure for COVID-19 at the moment.

    Bear bile is cruelly extracted from bears held captive on bear bile farms in China and South East Asia.  Often their cages are so small that they cannot move.  They have no space, no freedom to roam and they are denied everything they need to thrive.  A syringe, a catheter or pipe are inserted into an animal’s gallbladder to extract the bile.  And bears have to undergo this time and time again.

     Bears like this one need all of us to ACT NOW

    Bears like this one need all of us to ACT NOW

    Put pressure on China

    IDA are asking that we all join them in contacting China’s public health authorities and decision makers to ask for a PERMANENT ban on all exploitation of wild animals.  This will help prevent future pandemics.  As they say….

    “Why would the Chinese government choose to temporarily ban the trade and consumption of wild animals to prevent the spread of disease, while promoting the exploitation of wild animals as an unsubstantiated treatment for COVID-19?”


    So here’s what you can do to help stop this happening:

    Join IDA in urging the Chinese Ambassador to the US and the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China to withdraw their recommendation of wild-animal derived coronavirus treatments.

    • Sign their pledge to protect all animals, humans and non-humans, and our collective future on earth
    • Send the letter to the Chinese Ambassador to the US and China’s National Health Commission which IDA have here – it’s easy to do.


    And then spread the word.


    While you’re doing that, you might also like to spread the word about the work Education for Nature – Vietnam – is doing to stop bear bile farming.   Visit their website here



  3. Care2.com have some incredible petitions and I’ve just had an email about this one

    I couldn’t quite believe my eyes when I read it.  In fact, I had to read it several times for the words to sink in.

    Care2.com have a petition called End Cruel Canned Exotic Animal Hunts in Texas

    And the petition has a particular example of what is happening at the Ox Ranch, outside San Antonio in Texas.

    This has been going on for some time.  “Sportsmen” (I am presuming that women do it too) pay tens of thousands of dollars for the chance to kill exotic animals.  Animals such as the African bongo antelope, black wildebeest, and sitatunga antelope.  They  are tracked across a fenced-in area and killed.

    As well as these “hunts” being unfair and cruel, they reinforce the dangerous myth that sport hunting has an important role to play in conservation.  This idea has come under increased scrutiny in recent years.

    Care2 is calling on Texas Governor Greg Abbott to place an immediate moratorium on new exotic hunting facilities and to direct the state's Attorney General investigate violations of Texas's animal import laws anti-cruelty.

    Look into this animal's eyes.  How can we all not help?
    Add your name now
    and lend your voice to the fight to end cruel, canned hunts.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if people want to help conservation, they can donate money straight to the cause.  There is absolutely no need to kill anything at all in order to help. 

    So why are these “sportsmen” killing animals?  Because they get a thrill out of killing. 

    How horrible.  It’s time they were stopped and found their thrills doing something else.  

    Please sign this petition today